Time flies when you’re living your dreams huh?

If you told me in July 2017, that losing my job because of budget cuts would be the best thing to ever happen to me, I would TOTALLY believe you!! Why? Because I hated that job and where I was at that point in my life i.e. career wise. I was praying, manifesting and attracting something that would make me happy. Not a job – a purpose. Something I would wake up to GLADLY. Something that left me fulfilled. Something that made me happy – PERIODTTT! Through a few life changing seminars, people, conventions and meditation sessions, I came to the conclusion that there’s no way I was just BORN TO PAY BILLS AND DIE! No sir! No thanks! Nope… JUST NO!

I was grateful for my job at the time because it was taking care of the bills but everyday I was manifesting “this thing” that would come along.

Honestly, I had no idea what it was, all I knew is that it would include traveling and touching lives. I PRAYED for it, I VISUALISED it, I put it on my VISION BOARD and I EXPECTED it to come to me. So for me, when my boss called me in to tell me about my position at the company being made redundant because of budget cuts, I was beyond over the moon. A reaction that was quite surprising for most people. Like huh?! “How come you’re not distressed in these guava times?” “But what about your student loans?” “The girl losing it, she lost her job and she’s so happy?” And my answers: “Because it’s about to happen, I’m about to be so happy, I’m about to live my dreams, It’s about to go downnnnnn!” I was genuinely the most excited I had ever been and I STILL had no idea what I was going to do.

I remember people (including close friends and family members) asking me if I’m going to start looking for another job. NOPE! I was adamant that I would not even go job hunting. I knew my calling wasn’t here. I stayed in faith because I was aligned with the universe, and everything said just wait. So I waited. At that point in my life, I had already spent years evolving spiritually, I had learned to turn within to seek answers and not outside and I had learned to tune into my inner Goddess. And she said, just wait Kers, it’s coming.

NOW, for an over-thinker as myself, having a plan is always a necessity. I need to see the blueprint otherwise I can’t cope. I need to see A-Z otherwise my mind will be constantly calculating 1.2 million possibilities per second. But this time, I was as calm as a cucumber. Because I KNEW the universe/God had my back. Jah knowwwwwwww!! I knew…I don’t know…I was just so certain and without any doubts WHATSOEVER!

About a month after (August 2017) I got a call to come over to England to help a friend with his start-up business. Boom! Start it… It wasn’t a huge opportunity but it would mean I could live on my own terms. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do, but I knew that I had to go. STILL…I had no idea what was going to happen but the universals said Go…So off I went.

Fast Forward to January 2018, I am on my laptop doing some work and I come across a job opportunity to work as an English teacher.


When I came back home after studying in London, I joined YOFM (Youth on Fire Movement). That was the first time I seriously started doing youth and community work. Working with kids and helping with the After School Assistance Program. That sparked a small teaching flame within me. One of the group’s founders, Albert, and I would often talk about me becoming a teacher and it was something I enjoyed doing but procrastination year after year etc etc …anyways…I stayed in the corporate world cuz hey, tis the industry I studied to be in. Both my degrees were linked to the business world.

Yes I loved helping them, reading to them (see photo below), talking to them; but like ..I mean…would I even be a good teacher? Like… *insert doubts, fears and plenty plenty questions*

Flashback: Me with students just after reading to them at my old school (Anse la Raye Infant School) <3

*PLAY – Back to January 2018*

When I saw the teaching opportunity I was like…maybe I could do this. But would I be good at teaching? I dabbled a little in teaching with my youth work but as a career? This was unchartered territory for me. Here goes Kers the over thinker with 10,000.22 + 1 doubts and fears. Until I remembered the two things I had been visualizing all along – something that would include traveling and touching lives. So I threw caution to the wind and went for it. I JUMPED head first!


The most amazing thing about when I jumped is how seamless it all happened. First, I completed a four-month teaching certificate within 6 weeks…listen, I was driven and motivated so I forfeited clubbing, weekends and any kind of merriment. I wanted this REALLY bad! Afterwards, I started applying for jobs in Asia. Mainly because I had never travelled to that side of the world and I was keen on culture shocking myself on a huge level LOL. Within ONE week I had responses and interview requests from schools in China, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam. Things started coming together effortlessly. Alignment is something else bruhhhh… (Thats for another blog though LOL). Within 2.5 months everything happened as if the universe had just been waiting on me!

Fast forward to July 2018 and I am standing at the Chubu Centrair International Airport, Nagoya, Japan. Ready, nervous, scared, happy, confused by language and totally lost…BUT SO HAPPY! I was in a new place, with a fresh start and an opportunity to reinvent myself. Oooohhh childdddddddddd…I cannot put into words all the feelings that were rushing me at once!

Now I’m sitting here writing a one year anniversary post in July 2019! AN ENTIRE YEAR HAS PASSED!! Vrais?!?!?

So, I said ..well wrote… all of that to say this: If you are stuck in a dark place, an unhappy place or somewhere you don’t want to be YOU HAVE TO BE YOUR OWN SUPERHERO! YOU are the only person who can get yourself to that happy place. The universe/God WILL have you back but you first have to move first. You have to change first. And it starts with your mind. Change your MIND change your LIFE! Turnnnnnn up that mindset to one of power, strength and boss-ness! Move with the power of that GOD inside of you! You think God created you in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS of him just so you could be unhappy and powerless?? Nahhhh sis/bruhhh.

It’s not that the journey gets easy, cuz hey life is full of ishhhh! You just get stronger and better able to deal with the ishhhh! With the right mindset you can do EVERYTHING you need to be happy and thrive! It really is unimaginable bliss on the other side! I promise the jump may be bumpy but it’s worth it!

Yes. A lot of “sad/challenging” things have happened since I moved here. Yes, I have missed some very big things happening back home, Yes I sometimes get home sick. But also, Yes I have made some amazing friends, Yes I love my job, Yes I am the happiest I have ever been and Yes I am the best version of myself right now!

One last thing… Time is moving. Whether you are living or just existing, whether you are living your dreams or not, whether you are fulfilled or not, whether you are happy or not! So why not JUMP!?! Take it from an over thinker…thinking about it is only a piece of the puzzle. Nothing can ever substitute for action. And without the jump you will be like the old me…stuck on the edge thinking about whether I should jump. And if it means you have to pick up and leave to another country then I’m here to tell you…ITS OK

Here’s hoping you bring out that superhero and start living your happiest life!

Peace, Love & Light

– Kers

PS: A few snaps of my time here in Japan 🙂

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