May you say that I’m “stuck-up” because I am very picky with whom I let close to my vibration. I’ve become so protective of my energy, I will sideline people I have known all my life, people who are my “blood” and people who I have called “friend” …Do allow me to explain before you lose any calories jumping to your own conclusions.
***Side note: Bear with me and the following analogy but I’m a little hungry while I’m writing this and semi thinking of what I will have for dinner.***
If your refrigerator has gone bad, what would you do? Would you continue to use it as it malfunctions and racks up your electric bill while spoiling every food item inside it. Would you keep it, month after month, year after year on the basis that you have had it for so long? NO! You would either get it fixed or get a new one. You would not allow yourself to suffer through that pain.
In the same way, there are many people in life who suck the energy out of you. They will constantly discourage you, have a problem for every solution (yes, i said that right) and always seem to be on the receiving and not giving end of the relationship. They rack up your emotional and stress bill all the while spoiling any plan for growth or development. I know a refrigerator is not a human being, but my point is why let yourself suffer through that pain?
You are the product of the people you hang out with. Periodtttt!!!
Like attracts like…
Positive attracts positive…
Negative attracts negative…
Their vibe is affecting your vibe. Don’t believe me? Who does Beyonce surround herself with? Who are Jay-z’s closest friends? Who is in Jada Pickett Smith’s personal circle? Look at the most successful person you know! Now, it’s not to say I hate/dislike the energy drainers or I just cast them out of my life. Of course, I try to help, I communicate my concerns and sometimes the person elevates and starts doing better. If not, I love you from afar. We good…but I just can’t have you that close to me anymore. I love being happy too much and worked too hard to becoming a better me.
I am currently working on my dreams and living a joy-filled, amazing, successful life. WE ALL DESERVE THAT! You are so WORTHY! Right now, blood or longevity has nothing to do with it. Poison is poison. Toxic is toxic. Family member or friend … I am not subjecting myself to pain, toxicity, negativity…not one bad-ity! (That’s not an actual word but you get me!)
Get around people who believe in you, will push you to be great and will give as much as receive. Trust me you will need these kind of people. They are gems! On this journey called life, there WILL be trials and you will need your tribe to pick you up and say “Everything will be alright” *Farley voice* …and likewise…remember it’s a two way street, don’t be too busy or your riders, sometimes they need a push too.
Here’s hoping you find those people who fuel your dreams and drown your fears!
Peace, Love and Light!
– Kers