In Japanese culture, the ginkgo has been a symbol for longevity and a very profound endurance. The tree can live for a thousand years and it is said that four ginkgo survived the blast at Hiroshima and are still growing today. Tuuuuuh this DAY! *insert mind blown emoji*

Side note about Hiroshima:

During World War II, the United States detonated a nuclear weapon over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. The death toll was approximately 90,000-146,000 people most of whom were civilians.

I had the opportunity to visit one and the only thing comparable to this historical symbol’s content is its beauty! Not only did I feel like an ant standing next to it, I was completely in awe of its astounding magnificence. I stood for some minutes staring at it before I was snapped back to reality by the sound of other visitors’ ramblings.

As human beings we are of course magnificent in our own right but how small we are, how short of a time we have here on this earth in comparison to this ginkgo tree. 700 years and counting. Not many of us are lucky enough to make it to 100 and this tree is standing tall and majestic at 700.

It really made me think. What are we doing in our daily lives to really leave a positive impact? Are the words we utter causing harm or good? Are our actions more of the same or are we making an effort to stand in our own light? Are we criticizing more and helping less? When was the last time you did something for others?

*picks up mirror* What are you doing now that will make an enduring impact? What you are doing now, will it last for 700 years? Or maybe just 100 years when you leave this earth? Is this blog just going to be another statistic or will it be something that will actually help and inspire?

*puts mirror down*

During my short time here, it took me 25 years to really find my passion, something that truly made me happy while making an impact in my community- YOFM (if you know me, you’ve seen this acronym many times, if you don’t you’re about to see it many times starting now :)). Youth work really made me come alive. Doing something bigger than myself kicked me right out of every comfort zone I had established and turned me around 360 degrees! Now, my mission has grown much bigger than just my community or home country. I am gonna touch as many lives as I can in this globe. 1 or 10 or 100 or 10000 really doesn’t matter. How? By being TRULY the BEST ME. That is all that tree is doing, being itself! Day after day, month after month, year after year.

I don’t know, maybe it was the angle at which the sunlight was hitting at the exact time I was staring…but it made me think I should also stand in my own light, magnificent and enduring as that ginkgo tree. Ha! I think found my ginkgo spirit!

Here’s hoping you find your own ginkgo spirit! You are worthy and the world needs you!

Peace, Love and Light!

– Kers


ginkgo-leaf – Smithsonian Learning Lab…/ginkgo.html

Eiho-ji Temple. Tajimi. Gifu Prefecture. Japan

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